The Evil Underlings is a media franchise of a universe filled with unique and outlandish characters, often under-looked and disregarded by others. The term "Underlings" shares a definition of someone who is in a lower status or rank. The leading characters of the different series often shares similar traits to the mentioned terminology.
The Evil Underlings produces its franchises on video games and animated series. It was first created in late 2021, and was launched early in March 2022 as a NFT project. Over time, the team has undergone and made several changes along the way before founding its goal and standing in 2024, where it focuses primarily on games and entertainment.
The Evil Underlings will now change its focus on building a PC video game from its NFT origins. We are also rebuilding and structuring our social medias and ways for communications, as we have gathered a new team for social media.
We do not have any plans for anything related to NFTs at the moment. We will ensure that the current holders for "The Evil Underlings - Bank Heist" will get some kind of exchange or rewards in the far future as we continue developing The Evil Underlings universe.
As we mentioned prior, we are building a game and have been in development for a while. More announcements will be coming out soon on our website and discord this year.
The Evil Underlings
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